Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Pumpkin Wednesday!

Hello All and Happy Pumpkin Wednesday!  You have made it halfway through another week and only Thursday and Friday stands between you and the weekend.

Today was another beautiful summer day in Cleveland.  The weather was warm without being too terribly humid, and the day ended with a beautiful sunset... *sigh*

Any day there is beautiful weather I am always happy to see people out and about, walking, jogging, sauntering, and of course bike riding.  I am all for enjoying physical activity and the great outdoors, but Pumpkin told me that while she sat in the window sill on the front porch she saw bikers who were not following the rules of the road.  Not being one to argue with the wise Pumpkin, I let her share the rules and tips to follow in order to stay safe on your bicycle.
I will now menacingly sit above you and lecture you. 

1. Buy and wear a helmet!  Most of you who are reading this blog are old enough now that coolness is less important than being able bodied enough to go to work in order to pay back your school loans/mortgage/credit card debt.
Helmet goes on your head, not butt...

Make sure you buy a helmet that fits snuggly and and that it does not move from side to side.  The helmet should sit level on your head and low on your forehead, about one or two finger-widths above your eyebrow.

If this were a helmet and not a stupid hat Lindsay made me wear, it isn't quite the perfect fit...

2.  Bikes are meant to be ridden on trails and on roads not on sidewalks.  Yes friends, sidewalks are for walking, and bikes should be ridden on the road (but preferably avoiding busy roads).  If you are a bike rider and happen to be on a sidewalk, get a bell or horn to let walkers and other pedestrians know you are coming through.

Lindsay makes me wear a bell so I can't sneak up on her...

3.  Now that you know that bikes should go on the road, you should also know that bikes on the road are to act and be treated like cars.  When you are riding your bicycle on the road you should travel in the same direction as traffic and be aware of intersections.  This tip seems obvious, but since you can't travel as fast as a car, you are best off to plan your routes so you ride on roads that are not very busy where there is a large shoulder.

4.  Wear light colored gear so cars can see you!  Avoid riding at dusk, and wear clothing that makes it easy for motorists to see you.

I turn on my laser eyes at dusk...
5. Lastly, Pumpkin reminds you to have fun!

What are your favorite summer outdoor activities?

Looking forward to a great Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Pumpkin is so wise to follow the rules of the road. I also love a good bike ride, or floating around in the pool! Love, Mom
