Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pumpkin Wednesday, Stockings and Footies

Happy Pumpkin Wednesday Everyone!  You're halfway through the work week!

I have been working hard at being cute all week.

This week Pumpkin wanted to pass along some tips for keeping your footwear (socks, pantyhose and tights) clean and in good repair.

Pumpkin is a lucky cat in that she has both a stocking:

and a footie:

Stocking on the left, footie on the right

Pumpkin's method for cleaning both her stocking and footie are simple: stick directly in water bowl while drinking....  But for those of us who have to do laundry there are ways to prolong the life of the items in your sock drawer.

For your white athletic socks, try putting a cup of baking soda (can be purchased in bulk at your local warehouse store like Costco or Sam's Club) in with your whites and regular detergent as a way to whiten your whites WITHOUT bleach.

As for anyone who has to wear pantyhose or tights to work, the best way to clean them is in a sink filled with warm water and bit of your regular detergent.  Swish them around, rinse with cold water and air dry. You can also wash your delicates in a lingerie bag in the washing machine, but you will get more use out of your pantyhose if you treat them with a bit of care and hand washing.

One blog also suggests a way to "strengthen" your pantyhose before you wear them.  Quick disclaimer I have not tried this method, but I am need of some new stockings so I will try it out this weekend and report back.  According to The Daily Green, wash your pantyhose and allow them to air dry.  Then mix two cups of salt with one gallon of water and soak the pantyhose for three hours.  Rinse them in cold water and air dry again until they are completely free of moisture.

How do you keep your favorite clothing items in good shape?

The weekend is within reach!

1 comment:

  1. You and Pumpkin are laundry pros, Petite! Sadly, I'm still guilty of mixing white and dark clothes in one wash cycle.
