Monday, January 24, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

Hello Everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are staying warm as you head back to work.  Speaking of work, I wanted to let you know I am now officially employed. Yay!  Today was my first day at work and I'm excited to get my legal career started.  Please bear with me as I adjust to a new schedule, and I certainly will work to keep the blog updated as often as I can.  Hopefully Pumpkin will pitch in and start writing a few more posts

  • Issues with Facebook:  As some of you know I like to "share" my blog on Facebook so everyone can easily see when I post.  However, last week I was told I was sharing too often and my content was "abusive" or "spammy."  I was provided the opportunity to appeal this distinction to the gods of Facebook and was promised a response within 48 hours.  As of today I have no response and my blog is still "spammy."  One friend did show me an "app" which will allow me to share via Facebook.  Another friend (thanks Meghan!) alerted me that my problem with Facebook and sharing is not an isolated incident.  Even poor Roger Ebert was told that his blog (which is far more professional and awesome than mine) is too spammy.  What's your take on Facebook's policy of censoring content?  
  • Last week I caught a quick glimpse of a show on TLC about strange addictions.  This woman below is addicted to eating her couch cushions.  I am not trying to make light of her situation, but I find it so crazy that our minds are capable of making us crave something that is not food. 

  • This weekend as part of my Christmas gift, Tim took me to a partner's cooking class at the Loretta Paganini School of Cooking.  The theme of the night was Thai cooking and Tim and I were in the group responsible for making the Mango, Coconut, Ginger Cake with Cream Cheese Icing.  So delicious and I don't even like sweet foods!  If you live in the greater Cleveland area and you like cooking and learning new recipes/techniques check out the list of available classes.

So, tell me, how was your weekend? 

-Looking forward to a lovely Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. oh yes little, use networked blogs, it's perfect for publishing your blog and it's not spammy at all.

    also, have you watched extreme couponing? definitely my latest tlc addiction! :)
