Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cat in the Bathtub

Welcome to Pumpkin Wednesday, my most favorite day of the week!  With the weekend on the horizon, I still have a lot of cleaning to do, so today, I write about ways to keep your house clean and still pet friendly.

As you already know, Pumpkin spends a lot of time in places she is not supposed to be.  Take for example: the bathtub. (If I could, I would insert a footnote about how the kitty is NEVER happy to be in the tub when there is water though)

So Curious!
As part of my goal to be more environmentally friendly, I have tried a variety of cleaning products.  First, I tried some of the homemade products, for example using baking soda on rough surfaces, like the bathtub.  I also tried using vinegar to wipe up the counters.  However, there were times when I just wanted a spray or gel cleaner because the homemade stuff wasn't really doing the trick.

So, at Target a while back, I stumbled upon the Method brand of cleaning products.  This line of products was started by two guys who realized no one enjoyed cleaning with heavy fumed, harsh chemical products.  Their company strives to be "green"all the way from the ingredients, to the packaging, and even their office practices.  After perusing a few review websites today, it seems that their claims of being eco-friendly hold up, which makes me happy that I am actually helping the environment (even if means shelling out a few more dollars).  While I too am often skeptical of green claims, this company provides a way you can change your behavior just a bit, and still help make the planet a little healthier.

If you're in the market for some new all purpose cleaner I would highly recommend the Pink Grapefruit Multi-Purpose Spray!

I love this stuff, and as you can see it's time to buy more!
As Pumpkin stays safe from toxic fumes in the bathtub,  tell me what are your favorite environmentally friendly products?

-Yay for Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. White vinegar to clean stainless steel. Actually works pretty well!

    Also, that picture of pumpkin is now my computer background.
